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Intimate partner violence (IPV) refers to a wide variety of abuses that are perpetuated in a romantic or otherwise intimate relationship. These abuses can be physical, financial, emotional, psychological, sexual, and even academic. The subject of…

In this text, John Reagan's life is summarized and celebrated. They recount everything from his birth on Long Island, to his ownership of Dot's, to his struggles after Hurricane Irene, and then his struggles with cancer.

This group portrait of the Brontë sisters was painted by their brother Branwell Brontë circa 1834. The figures have been identified as Anne (left), Emily (middle), and Charlotte (right), with the silhouette of Branwell visible on the pillar near…

This is an image of a panorama of Chowringhee Road from the Ochterlony Monument in Calcutta. Calcutta, now known as Kolkata, is a city in India. A glimpse south of Chowringhee Road in 1868 is provided by this photograph. This panorama represents and…

Boston City TV presents a discussion on climate change while weighing in Frederick Law Olmsted’s principles.

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This photograph sums up the message John Lennon was dedicated to projecting. He holds up the peace sign, as he was an huge advocate for peace, and is standing right in front of the Statue of Liberty. This Statue is seen as a beacon of peace and…

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This is the cover of the magazine which first published Margaret Oliphant's piece, "The Library Window." Oliphant's piece was the first story to be read when opening this issue. I just find it interesting because when looking at the cover, it is very…

This piece shows us all the key details about the new Yankee Stadium and it's interesting to find that it replicates the old stadium in a lot of ways.

Jeffries acknowledges the dangers of having a color-blind employee on the railroad, whether as a conductor or signalman. Reds, greens, or yellows will appear on signals not intended for those colors depending on an employees type of color blindness,…