1: New Report of the Events in Live Time

With short, quick words, the news report of Bloody Sunday somehow captures fearfulness from those of Derry. There is no descriptive language, making it seem it is the product of shock. Although more likely just to spread the facts quickly, the sense of urgency can still be felt as alarming since, as stated, it was “the worst day of violence” in years. For those unfamiliar with Bloody Sunday, this is the perfect bullet-point style explanation of what happened. Survivors of the horrific event say the attacks came unprovoked and harmed many. It was an attack against peaceful protestors and falls to the point that when those in positions of civil protection and law are given guns, they do not see any other method of desescalation appropriate besides murder. Lucky for Bloody Sunday, she does not sit alone at this table. The report mentions Catholic Priests being witnesses to the innocent followers of the religion they preach and defend.

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1/5: 1972 News Article