4: Interview with British Soldier

This chilling article has direct quotes from an interview with a British soldier who participated in the Bloody Sunday massacre. With no remorse attached to his words, the soldier stated how he was serving his country. The act of killing peaceful protestors as being a gift to England. Might as well leave the bodies outside of the British PMs office with a bow on it if it was such an act of service. The soldier also states that it was “a job well done” and “[the protestors] were not all innocent”. Having to justify murder by saying the victims were not innocent, as well as not understanding being a murderer, is a disease that all government law enforcing groupthink men suffer from. Unfortunately for this soldier, being innocent or not is not an excuse to murder. Killing was not the only option. If there were riots, then arrest them; that is what jails are for. After years of Bloody Sunday the lack of empathy and understanding why the Irish were so upset is so profound it is worth reading.

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