5: An Analysis of Bloody Sunday

Scott M. Woods writes a beautifully informative article about Bloody Sunday and the events leading up to it. What makes this such a great read, especially for those unfamiliar, is the historical context given before explaining Bloody Sunday. As stated by Woods, Ireland and England have a very deep and dark history of power struggle and oppression. This puts Northern Ireland in a vulnerable place whether it be for political reasons or religious ones. Continuing on, Woods explains that the march that took place on Bloody Sunday was to express distress in the mistreatment of Catholics as they lived on the same land as the Protestants, yet had different laws. Segregation and distrust was clear as day as Derry was heavily guarded with British soldiers. This timeless tension would explain why a riot was caused, if it was started by the protestors. However it was the British troops who brutally attacked and killed the civilians.  

Link to Article

5/5: Analysis of the Day