9/11 Falling Man

Falling Man

An image captutred by Drew showing the man falling out of the Twin Towers. 

September 11th is a day that will never be forgotten by many individuals. During the attacks on the Twin Towers, many people lost their lives. Approximately 3,000 people were killed, out of those 3,000 at least 200 people are believed to jump to their death or fall. On September 11th people were jumping out of buildings and doing whatever they felt was right in hopes of surviving. “Falling Man” is an image captured by Richard Drew. The man in the figure is seen jumping out of the building in hopes to survive.

This image captured by Richard Drew is showing this young man falling out of the Twin Towers. The man was located in the North Tower and the image was taken directly after the attack. This image was seen by many and is still well known today. “Falling Man” is representing this man’s last hope to live through the attack. This image is one of the only image captured on September 11th that shows a specific individual distantly dying. The picture was published throughout newspapers all throughout the country. The image has been published in books including Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.

Other images captured by Drew of individuals falling out of the Twin Towers

The man’s identify in the photo is unknown. Throughout the years many have tried to figure out who the man is. However, still to this day his identity is still not confirmed. It has been assumed that the individual was an employee in the North Tower. This man has been assumed to work at Windows on the World, a restaurant located on the 106th floor of the building. Although the man’s identity is still unknown, it is saddening to see the image of the man jumping to his death. This image goes to show how many individuals involved in 9/11 did whatever they could to escape the situation they were in.

9/11 Falling Man