One World Observatory Critical Essay

Memorialization of One World Observatory

The memories of 9/11 are memorialized through the One World Observatory, but are also memorialized through the memories of New Yorkers and Americans alike in different ways. Edward Casey differentiates memory by categorizing them into three separate terms; individual, public, and social. There are many different forms of memory contributing to how something is remembered. The One World Observatory is a memorial in remembrance of the events that occurred on September 11th, 2001. Throughout this chapter, Casey defines and states the differences between public, social, and individual memory. Applying Casey’s definition of memory to the attacks on 9/11 as well as the One World Observatory, the memories made throughout this day can be categorized into the types of memories Casey listed. This event has affected many different individuals all over the United States, the way this event is memorialized and remembered by people differs and changes based on each individual however the public memory is affected.

One form of memory that is discussed and defined is individual memory. Casey defines this term as a person who is engaged in memory at any given occasion. Upon arrival at the One World Observatory people are automatically remembering the events of September 11th. This event can be remembered differently by each person, due to people experiencing certain events differently. Furthermore, many New Yorkers remember the exact situation they were in when they heard about the plane crashing into the Twin Towers. Some people think about where they were on that day and what they were doing, while the memory that is evoked in others may be the lives that were lost. Additionally, the idea of individual memory, can be seen by guest viewing the One World Observatory because everyone remembers the event of September 11th. Although everyone's memory is different, when people are at the observatory they are engaged in a memorization, or what Casey would define as social memory of 9/11. When individuals are in the observatory and see how it formed they are recalling New York City and its growth throughout the years. Different memories can be evoked when tourist are entering the One World Observatory. The SkyPod elevator can remind individuals of particular New York City memories. The many features that the observatory has to offer shows how individual memory is apart of the memorization of September 11th. The way that guest interact with the memorial and all that is has to offer, engages these individuals to recall memories. When this is done Casey believes that individual memory is formed.

Individuals memory is remembered because surrounding the building is the memory pools, that are remembering all the lives that are lost. The memory of 9/11 is recalled due to the three large memorial pools outside of the One World Trade Center. On each memorial pool is all the individuals who lost their lives. These people will always be remembered due to the large amount of tourism that the memorial attracts.  In addition to the memorial pools remembering individuals, the building was created as a memorial for the lives lost. The One World Trade Center was created in place of the Twin Towers, individuals personal memory can be recalled by how these towers are remembered by each individual. Individual memory affects each person differently due to how others remember certain memories. The surrounding area of the One World Trade Center stimulates the memory of September 11th. Families of the people who lost their lives come to the memorial pools and bring flowers when it is a holiday, or their loved ones birthday. People's individual memories are recalled because some people recall their loved ones when noticing the vicinity around the One World Trade Center. Even though some did not lose a loved one on 9/11 they still recall the lives that were lost when they are around the One World Trade center. Individuals personal memories differ from each other but the event of September 11th creates a memory in honor of New York City along with the individuals who passed away.

The next term to describe a type of memory in “Public Memory in Place and Time” is social memory. Casey describes social memory as individuals who are affiliated with one another by living in the same neighborhood or city. This form of memory contributes to the One World Observatory due to New Yorkers having the same social memory about 9/11. Although an individual’s personal memories will differ based on the person, these people are grouped together for experiencing this memory together. Upon the creation of the One World Trade Center, the name of the center was originally going to be the Freedom Tower. This caused a debate, which many New Yorkers were not in agreeance with naming the building as the Freedom Tower. The name was then changed to the One World Trade Center, according to Anthony Coscia this name makes the building easier to identify. This name change shows how New Yorkers who are affiliated based on their location felt that the name was not a good fit for the building. This building became a way for individuals to remember the event on September 11th. By naming the new building One World Trade Center, it symbolizes the North Tower and the memory it holds for America and New Yorkers alike.  Due to individuals who feel passionately about the naming of the building, they’re social memory was affected if the name ended up being the Freedom Tower. People who are from the same area in New York believed that this was not a good name for the memorization of 9/11. Furthermore, because people felt this way, the name was then changed to the One World Trade Center. People’s strong opinion about the naming of this building shows how meaningful this building is to people. The One World Trade Center is a way for people to remember the lives that were lost in 2001. This building is important to people who reside in New York City because it shows what has come from the memory of September 11th. This memory that is shared by not only New Yorkers but all Americans has affected individuals today. The social memory of the building and what it should be named has caused New Yorkers to fight for what they believe the name of the building should be. This building name will be remembered by many Americans, causing its name to reflect on the memory of not only 9/11 but also the memory of New York.

Casey goes on to say individual memory along with social and collective memory contribute to public memory. Public memory is identified throughout the way individuals look at the One World Observatory. The enormous height of the building, and the way the building looks symbolizes the memory of September 11th. The architecture of the building memorializes New York City’s rebirth. After the devastation of 9/11 and the towers being knocked down, New York built the One World Trade Center in place of the original towers. This building stands as the tallest in the City, standing at one thousand seven hundred ninety two feet tall from ground to tip. When individuals arrive to the top floor of the One World Observatory there are windows from the floor to the ceiling overlooking the city. These views allow individuals to remember the city and how beautiful New York is. Although the observatory is surrounded by the 9/11 Memorial, as a constant reminder of 9/11, this building serves to memorialize the city as a whole. The public is able to remember New York by looking at different skyscrapers that are visible from the 102nd floor. At this level, viewers can see the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, and Statue of Liberty. Guests can remember specific events or when they were in attendance at these landmarks. The city is constantly being remembered by the views seen at the One World Observatory.  The views from the observatory shows tourist New York’s true beauty. New York City was able to grow and rebuild the tallest building in the country in memorialization for September 11th.

Videos are surrounded in the One World Observatory where individuals speak about the process of building this memorial. This video shows the creation process. It is interesting to recall and see images of how the building looked originally to how it has changed. This shows how public memory comes into effect because anyone has access to this memory. People are able to remember how the building was built from the ground up in this simple video that is playing as guest make their way through the memorial.

Casey argues that the memory can be categorized in different ways, social, incidual, collective and public memory. These memories differ from each other and all evoke different memories. It evokes public, social, and individual memory. The One World Observatory is a memorial with many different components to it. Due to this the different components allow individuals to memorize the One World Trade Center and the One World Observatory in different ways.   

critical essay