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This satirical article from Punch discusses several new book releases, including selections from Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories. One of the stories discussed is the titular one of "Lord Arthur Savile's Crime," which the reviewer finds…

How to Do a Palm Reading  Palm Reading.mp4
Though it has likely evolved in terms of practice from when Mr. Podgers was reading palms (or being a "cheiromantist," as the book calls it), palm reading is still considered a fairly popular practice among people who engage in spiritual practices,…

ENGL 335 Omeka Item for March 8.pdf
This newspaper article, titled, "The Practice of Etching" gives a specific, technical account of how Mezzotints are made. With precise detailing of the how the images are etched and crafted, this article provides a quick background for someone who…

M.R. James's "The Diary of Mr. Poynter" was not the earliest occurrence of a story in which somebody mistakes an intruder in their home for their own pet. In "The Diary of Mr. Poynter," James Denton reaches down to pet his dog, but he places his hand…

The Diary of the Shah.pdf
This is an article which describes, criticizes, and provides accounts from the book called “Diary of H.M. the Shah of Persia During his Tour Through Europe in A.D. 1873,” translated by J.W. Redhouse. The statements from this diary that are…

The Met Goblin Market .png
Christina Rossetti's book of verse, "Goblin Market", alludes to various interpretations of culture that was immensely popular in the Victorian area; consumerism and female sexuality. The text revolves around two sisters encompassed by the temptation…

This is an image of Rendcomb Park and Cowley Manor, which I think would be a close representation of the Manor in which Mr. Denton is staying in in "The Diary of Mr. Poynter." I thought this would be an interesting item because it gives a better idea…

Chintzes for MR James.pdf
The advertisement for the chintzes or curtains relates to the story “The Diary of Mr. Poynter” it is what James is original supposed to get for his Aunt before he goes and buys the old diaries instead. It also the what James and Miss Denton plan…

MRs. Beerbohm Tree .png
This appeared in the same July 1981 edition of The Strand Magazine that "A Scandal in Bohemia" was printed in. This page comes from a section of the magazine entitled, "Portraits of Celebrities at Different Points in Their Lives". Each celebrity, 5…

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Though it was published in 1893, this article definitely has the same language and overall feel of a contemporary tabloid article one could find at the checkout counter at Stop and Shop. But instead of having articles talk about Brangelina or the…