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In the 48th Sherlock Holmes story, titled "The Last Bow," Holmes finds himself working alongside a man named Von Bork to supply the German government with information stolen from the English military. Holmes creates an Irish American informant named…

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The chapter called "The Final Problem" is the case that features James Moriarty, also known as the 'Napoleon Of Crime'. Considering the Sherlock piece that we read in class I intended read this story as a means of analyzing Sherlock's great rival…

This image is inspired by M.R. James' story, "The Diary of Mr. Poynter." This image represents a moment in the story when Mr. Denton is sitting in his chair with his arm hanging over the side of his chair thinking that he is petting his dog, when in…

This image is a modest illustration inspired by M.R. James "The Diary of Mr. Poynter". It vaguely describes how the ghost looks like, accentuating on its hair. This is also at the part of the story where Mr. Denton thinks that he is petting his dog,…

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Victoria is crowned queen at the age of eighteen. The portrait of her is painted just six years into her reign. Although she is the focal point of the painting, Grant seems to focus the light on her collarbone which illuminates the youthfulness of…

This page in Shakespeare's "Hamlet" has the words that Mr. Cattell utters at the end of the story, "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio,/ Then are dreamt of in your philosophy.". This quote could be seen as a way to say that the ghost…

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This is the third volume of ghost stories that M.R. James has published. It has five ghost stories including "The Diary of Mr. Poynter". Due to his preface in the book, it can be assumed that he is publishing a lighthearted series for Christmas that…

Joseph Watson & Sons Ltd was a soap manufacturer in Leeds, Yorkshire. Interestingly enough, Joseph Watson was also the director of the London and North-Western Railway (an advertisement for the railway is already an item in our exhibition). Both…

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This episode is about a man who is looking to make money so he gets hired to become a video game tester for a really successful Japanese company. This game is a spin on virtual reality, with a chip implanted in him rather than a headset, he has to…

The first of these two images depicts the cover of The Strand Magazine during the July 1891 publication in which "A Scandal in Bohemia" was originally produced. The second image depicts a later cover from The Strand, published in January 1896.…