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Spirit photograph.PDF
The article Spiritual Photographs essentially serves as a "debunking" for the new phenomenon of "spirit photography," or the idea that new photography technology could depict ghosts. Spirits and ghosts were of particular interest to Victorian…

The Stereoscope.PDF
This essay aims to explore the technology of a stereoscope in more in-depth terms. The author recognizes that at this point in time, the stereoscope has become somewhat of a staple in technology and is used widely by many. However, the author…

The article begins by describing the viewing of stereoscopic images. As the article develops it becomes a reading less about technology and more about opinions of the women of Japan and an account of the characters represented in the images. Without…

ENGL 335 Hot Air Balloon for Omeka.pdf
This article tells about the rioting and disastrous events that occurred in the Vite Cundie House Gardens after approximately 50,000 people gathered there to watch what they were told was the largest hot air balloon in the world take off. After being…

Download Document.pdf
This black and white photographic image was first published on Saturday, November 16, 1895 in the illustrated London news publication The Graphic. In addition to the image and its title, the subtitle "A Practical Demonstration of the Latest…

Balloon Ascent.PDF
The document describes the account of a Balloon ascent. In which it details the crowds of thousands that waited for hours to watch the take off and initial ascent. It also contains a description of the journey. It tells how the balloon was initially…

Fine Arts Photography.PDF
This magazine article describes the way that the technological advancements made in photography by both Daguerre and Fox Talbot have allowed for the use of photographic images in various works, including periodicals. An account of Talbot’s…

A man went to Nagasaki, Japan and created a stereoscope of the ladies he met there. The images of the females depict the gentleness of their features even though they are seen to have the lowest form of character to the European world. They are found…

The Brighton Railway Accident.PDF
This newspaper article explores the aftermath of the railway collision at the Clayton tunnel on the Brighton Railway in which 23 people were killed and hundreds were injured. This crash sent waves of sadness throughout the towns of London and…

Created in the mid 1850s, this piece is a form of virtual reality in the Victorian era. The media allowed an audience to immerse themselves, virtually, in the Crystal Palace- which was a place that housed exhibitions. Through layering multiple…