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An artistic attempt to showcase the both the abandoned power plant and the graffiti world. The creator of this video masterfully uses natural lighting to reveal the beauty of this forgotten site. His use of obscure film angles reveal the age of the…

Balloon Ascent.PDF
The document describes the account of a Balloon ascent. In which it details the crowds of thousands that waited for hours to watch the take off and initial ascent. It also contains a description of the journey. It tells how the balloon was initially…

Grand Canal.pdf
The image is of the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy. This is one of the earliest known photographs of Italy being that it was taken in 1841 by Alexander John Ellis. The photograph was later used in a collection called the 'Italy Deguerreotyped'.…

BBC Documentary of the Great Famine.
The Great Train Robbery was the one of the first motion pictures produced in the United States. It was first screened in 1903, and is one of the most influential and iconic films when it comes to the development of American cinema, even though it is…

This is an illustration from Project Gutenberg's work "The Signalman". I thought it was an interesting picture to include in the text, also it being the only picture within the text! It is drawn in a very gothic, ominous style which captures the…

One of the additional pages on the Hemingway Home website. Provides information about the pool including its construction, what this section of the property was used for originally (boxing ring), and historical context with regards to the 1930s.

This is another book written by Arthur Conan Doyle that documents the history of Spiritualism. It's important to note that Doyle views this history a purely academic way as the book tries to both provide a history of how the field developed while…